Government of Barbados

Transcript of a Press Statement
By the Honourable Santia Bradshaw, MP
Acting Prime Minister
On April 7, 2020
At Ilaro Court

[00:00:01] Good day fellow Barbadians, residents and visitors.

[00:00:06] The Government of Barbados and its social partners recognize that since the decision to impose restrictions on the movement of citizens as well as the subsequent closure of supermarkets and most other retail grocery outlets, a number of concerns have been raised. Even before the decisions were made public, the Government of Barbados and its social partnership had already initiated discussions to develop a system that would meet the socio-economic needs and of access of our people to necessary supplies, while at the same time observing the public health protocols that have been put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19.

[00:00:52] In an effort to ensure that all Barbadians, but particularly the most vulnerable, have access to food supplies during the 24-hour curfew period a new regime has been developed to take effect from tomorrow Wednesday, the 8th of April 2020. This regime is based on extensive consultation between representatives of the Cabinet of Barbados, the Barbados Private Sector Association and the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry under my chairmanship, and with the input of Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley.

[00:01:31] This new arrangement will run for the duration of the current curfew and will be strictly enforced to ensure that we do not compromise the protocols that have already been put in place across the country to halt the spread of COVID-19. However, it will be subject to constant review and, if necessary, alteration, given the fluidity of the circumstances and the ongoing COVID-19 response.

[00:02:02] From 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, April 8, 2020, Barbadians in urgent need of groceries will be able to order them from supermarkets through a number of options. However, there will be no in-supermarket shopping. Please note that supermarkets and shops will be open on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday during this week.

[00:02:28] Orders will be taken by the individual participating supermarkets via web sites, telephone call ins, WhatsApps or email. Payments for these orders will be accepted through cash, debit or credit cards. All persons ordering groceries in this manner will have the option to collect their groceries in person through curbside vehicle pickup or home delivery.

[00:02:58] Where shoppers choose to pick up their orders in person, they will be given specific collection times to reduce the risk of large gatherings that would contravene the requirement for physical distancing. Persons placing orders should note that when we took the decision to restrict shopping last week, many retailers already had a sizeable backlog of orders for delivery and as a result, in the initial stages of this new arrangement, this may actually slow down the pace of delivery of new orders until this backlog is cleared.

[00:03:36] As a result, we are appealing to those households and to all Barbadians that have already purchased adequate supplies to stand down from grocery shopping at this time to allow others who may not have had the resources or the opportunity to stock up to acquire their essential needs. A special regime has also been put in place to facilitate persons whose circumstances do not lend to telephone or even online ordering. And the following supermarkets have made special provision to accommodate those persons.

[00:04:15] Effective tomorrow, they will be able to go to Channell’s, Trimart, Popular, Savings Mart and Jordans to pay for and collect prepackaged baskets that would have been already prepared by the operators. Shoppers will be able to see a list of items in each basket ahead of placing and paying for their orders on-site. These baskets will be in values of $25, $50, $100 up to $150 with the contents determined by the individual retailers based on their examination of the shopping patterns of their customers.

[00:04:58] All shoppers when placing walkup orders for the prepackaged baskets or collecting telephone or online orders will be required to observe physical distancing rules of a minimum of six feet behind the person in front of them. In terms of Agriculture, farmers will be facilitated through the BADMC for fresh fruit and vegetables; through the Barbados Egg and Poultry Producers Association for fresh eggs and poultry products; and through the Pig Farmers Association for Fresh Pork.

[00:05:34] There will be a process of ordering through dedicated land lines, mobile phones, e-mail and WhatsApp messaging. Curbside pickups will be in place at the BAS Grotto; BADMC Fairy Valley and Spring Hall; Chickmont, Star Chick, and Amir car parks; and deliveries will be done for village shops, mini-marts, supermarkets and for individuals for orders $30 and up.

[00:06:02] The Government and its partners in the Barbados Private Sector Association and at the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry recognized that this walk-up approach will not necessarily facilitate the personal taste or brand choices, or even the shopping volumes to which each individual or household might have been accustomed, however, we hope that you will appreciate that the primary mission here is to ensure that everyone has an adequate supply of what they need while keeping the country safe by containing the spread of COVID-19.

[00:06:43] In the meantime, distributors have committed to ensuring that our village shops are kept restocked so that Barbadians, including some of the most vulnerable individuals and families who rely on these outlets, have constant access to get what they need. In the case of those village shops that have already morphed into a community mini-marts over the years, but which are still largely one or two-person operations that are vital in their communities and do not have the capacity to facilitate online ordering or prepackaged baskets, we have made an additional concession. Those neighbourhood mini-marts will now be permitted to take orders or open their doors to facilitate the dispatch of specific orders or prepackaged groceries like those being offered by the large supermarkets.

[00:07:37] In all instances, strict adherence to physical distancing rules must be maintained. Further exemptions in this regard for mini-marts will be processed by the Office of the Prime Minister on a case by case basis.

[00:07:53] Barbadians, residents, let me reiterate that there is no perfect formula for confronting the challenges that this pandemic has presented. We will all have as a nation to adjust our behaviour and our policies and practices and the regulations as the situation unfolds.

[00:08:14] I remind you of the reason for these very unusual restrictions. And it has to do with the emergence, the prevalence and the presence of COVID-19 on our doorsteps. The Government would like to thank the people of Barbados for their patience, their understanding and their compliance during this period of restricted movement. We understand the dislocation and the discomfort that this has caused, but we know that it has been done for the greater public health good of all Barbadian and residents.

[00:08:48] We once again take this opportunity to appeal to all of you, to work with us, to follow the rules and the advice that have been given, exhibit the discipline and the kindness for which Barbadians have become known, and we will get through this together. We will do our very best to minimize the restrictions as much and as soon as possible under the guidance of our public health officers in the Ministry of Health and Wellness. Meet us halfway and let us do this together.

[00:09:19] I want to take this opportunity as well to wish all Barbadians, and particularly those of the Christian faith a peaceful and holy week and a blessed Easter.