The following is the text of a letter penned by Prime Minister Mottley to newly elected Grenadian Prime Minister, the Honourable Dickon Mitchell.
June 24, 2022
Dear Prime Minister Mitchell,
On behalf of the Government and people of Barbados, I extend to you, your team at the National Democratic Congress, and indeed, all Grenadians, hearty congratulations on your emphatic victory at the polls yesterday.
We wish you, in your role as the next Prime Minister of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, every success, recognising that there is tremendous potential in the youthful vigor and fresh thought you can bring to the management of the affairs of your country and the leadership of the region.
You are taking over leadership at a most challenging time for any small island developing nation in this world, but the strength embodied in a collective approach to tackling the issues we all face, provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to influence the path this world takes for the foreseeable future. I look forward to working with you, your Government, and the people of Grenada. I hope that we will be able to initiate dialogue in the interest of our people very soon. Be assured that we look forward to walking that path to the future beside you and your people, given the historically strong Barbados/Grenada relationship.
Again, congratulations!
Yours sincerely